- Abhay Pharma headquartered in Mumbai is one of the leading Trader and exporter.
- We Manufacture pharmaceutical and nutraceutical finished formulations – Tablets, Capsules, Dry powder, Liquid injections, Syrups and Soft gels
- We provide pharma products on contract basis with private labels.
3 exclusive state of the art WHO – GMP manufacturing facilities & 1 – USFDA manufacturing facility for Nutraceuticals focused on R&D with a unique advantage of launching innovative products in the market ahead of competition. - We have full range of data for acceptance of Dossiers for countries around the Globe. CTD Dossier availability for a wide range of products.
- Certification of Countries: Fda – Afghanistan, Nafdac – Benin, Moh – Cambodia, Fda – Georgia, Dpm- Ivory Coast,Fda – Nepal, Moh- Myanmar, Nafdac- Nigeria, Csb – Vietnam, Fda – Srilanka, Fda – Sharjah(UAE) , Ppb – Kenya, Tmda – Tanzania, Krygyz Fda- Png, Fda – Togo, Nda – Uganda, Fda –Uzbekistan, Zfdb – Zanzibar, Jfda – Jordan, Fda- Philliphines, Fmhaca – Ethiopia, Moh –Kazakhstan, Pra – Zambia, Jmpb – Sudan, Fda – Ghana, Moh – Libya, Moh – Yemen, Digemid –Peru, Mcaz- Zimbabwe.
- Abhay Pharma has a team of professionals who have in-depth knowledge of the International pharmaceutical market as they have been there in the industry for more than a decade. The integration of this professional talent ascertains our service in terms of speed, accuracy & efficacy.
- Documentation – all aspects of raw material analysis, in process quality control, finished good quality control are
carefully monitored to ensure medicaments of highest quality
and purity. They are documented under SOP. - Qualified team of logistics professionals with wide experience in handling shipments by sea and air assigned for different
countries across the globe ascertain our service in terms of
speed, accuracy & efficacy. - Training periodically to all our employees which undergo refresher session from time to time with special emphasis on
compliance of WHO -GMP & SOP. - We meticulously build quality into our products at each step right from vendor development , raw material in process QC to finished process QC.
- Use of modern equipment AAS, MMR, HPTLC, GC, FTIR UV VISUAL & SPECTRO PHOTO METER to achieve highest standard of quality finished products.
- During our engrossed presence in the industry, we had the privilege to assist several International regulatory audits. This has enriched us with pertinent knowledge about International audits. We utilize this knowledge to assist other manufacturers to get their manufacturing facility audited by various regulatory authorities across the globe.